My memoir is published! “Daddy liked his conversation the way he liked his gumbo.†So begins the story that leads up to Chancellor Marye Anne Fox being formally reprimanded by the faculty of North Carolina State University.
What did that have to do with Gumbo? Drawing on my Louisiana black-Creole roots for the guiding metaphor, “Making Gumbo in the University,†is the story of my life of work on diversity, especially my two years as the ranking university administrator responsible for diversity at North Carolina State University.
It took a while to find the right cover, but with pushes from Susan Bright, Editor of Plainview Press, I kept looking through the suggestions she kept sending. I was getting tired, but Susan was right to keep pushing. And then she found the work of Florian Sanwald, a German computer graphics artist; wow!
It’s published. At $18.95 you can order a copy from Plainview Press (at P.O. 42255, Austin, TX 78704 or email Of course you can get a signed copy from me by ordering it here.