Not long after we started giving books away, readers started writing reviews. And those reviews were enthusiastic. Hear the howls for “Howl of the Wolfâ€:
Nov 5, 2012
It is currently almost midnight and I have just finished “Howl of the Wolf!†I could not have thought of a better title for this book. It’s very thoughtful and meaningful. We, as students at NCSU, are one. We are the Wolfpack! We all come from different backgrounds, different ways that we define ourselves. In this book, each one of us is figuratively a wolf in this wolfpack. Each of us have a voice, a howl per se, and we come together to voice our own experiences and our own thoughts. Each of us “wolves” is different; different race, gender, ethnicity, and religion. However, we come together as a pack and howl out to stop prejudice and bigotry; to help each other in neo-diversity, to help each other in intergroup interactions. I loved “Howl of the Wolf.†I could only hope that this book goes viral and becomes a must-read. This book could open the eyes of so many.
By Ashley Bridge NCSU Senior
Nov 5, 2012
“Howl of the Wolf†is a great book. It catches you from the start. I started reading it at 2.30am and couldn’t put it down until 5.30am, when I was almost sleep-reading. I like that it’s short, fast and straight to the point, the next best thing to taking Dr. Nacoste’s class. For people who have taken the class, its helps refresh your memory and remind you to Howl! for your pack whenever you stray. Everyone on campus should read it! It’s the spark we need to ignite change.
By Carlos Solorzano NCSU-Senior
Oct 30, 2012
What I find so fascinating about Dr. Nacoste’s book is that it addresses the issues that most of us face on a daily basis regarding how to interact with people who are different from us and people whom we may have internalized prejudices about. This book includes astute insights from Dr. Nacoste’s students whom are on the same journey that we are all on, even those of us who grew up in the 1960s. I highly recommend this book as a way to open up conversation on how our society can become inclusive and honor our differences.
By Susan Swan King
Oct 24, 2012
I just finished reading “Howl of the Wolf†for the first time. I thank Dr. Nacoste for writing it. While I have been interested in the themes of this book for a while, the neo-diversity paradigm and framework Dr. Nacoste used was new to me, and I really appreciate how he was able to articulate things I have felt but not been able to say.
By Alton Russell NCSU Parks Scholar
Already, “Howl of the Wolf” was a success.